前回(Lucene Revolution 2012)に引き続きLucene/Solr Revolutionに遊びいってきたのでメモ 今年はSan Diego Day 1 : Training (Using Solr with Big Data) Day 2 : Training (Using Solr with Big Data), Welcome reception Day 3 : Conference, […] Lucene/Solr Revolution 20134 May, 2013 in tech tagged conference / Hadoop / Lucene & Solr by hidepiy (updated 2991 days ago)
Lucene Revolutionに遊びに行ってきたのでメモ Overview agenda -> http://www.lucenerevolution.com/agenda key news of Lucene/Solr4.0 (SolrCloud, NRT, Join…) big data analysis collaboration with other OSS (Hadoop family, CMS, admin…) vender’s solutioin (LucidWorks, MapR, Windows…) slide […] Lucene Revolution 201212 May, 2012 in tech tagged conference / Lucene & Solr by hidepiy (updated 2991 days ago)