Premise Now I’m selecting appropriate DB to store Shop and its Item data under those imaginary conditions. + Each Item belongs to 1 specific shop + Item info and shop […]

Summary Mac: OS X El Capitan (Ver 10.11.6) pyenv: 1.0.2 Anaconda: 3-4.1.1 Jupyter: 4.1.0 Install pyenv Simple Python Version Management: pyenv Something like rbenv for Python, so that we could […]
Let’s get Rocking! on Jupyter Notebook

やりたいこと こんなカンジで各ページに手動でOrderをセットする page1000 (order: 1000) page1001 (order: 1001) page1002 (order: 1002) page2000 (order: 2000) page1001を開くと、ページ下部に <- page1000 page1002 -> とページ送りが設置されている。 やる […]
WordPress 固定ページのページ送りをいぢる

Summary CentOS 7.3 Nginx 1.11.7 PHP 7.0.14 MariaDB 5.5.52 WordPress 4.7 Basic Linux setup (root) [crayon-67d10fd8b19e4919669450/] common [crayon-67d10fd8b403e547461035/] dotfiles [crayon-67d10fd8b4046739743773/] zshrc [crayon-67d10fd8b404a619702378/] JDK & Maven [crayon-67d10fd8b404d392904283/] Ruby [crayon-67d10fd8b4050372277661/] […]
Let’s get Rocking! on WordPress

AWS Summitに参加したのでメモ 昨年同様受付は長蛇の列。11000人が申し込んで延べ8000人きたらしい 資料:「AWS Summit Tokyo 2014」開催レポート動画・資料一覧 Day 1: 2014/07/17 Day 1 基調講演 ~No Boundary~ Werner Vogels(CTO,,Inc.) and guests By using AWS, let’s convert fixed cost to varied […]
AWS Summit Tokyo 2014

前回(Lucene Revolution 2012)に引き続きLucene/Solr Revolutionに遊びいってきたのでメモ 今年はSan Diego Day 1 : Training (Using Solr with Big Data) Day 2 : Training (Using Solr with Big Data), Welcome reception Day 3 : Conference, […]
Lucene/Solr Revolution 2013

Overview create JSON formatted log from Rails send log using fluent-agent-lite receive log using Fluentd save on local file & MongoDB map & reduce on MongoDB @さくらのVPS 2G with Debian […]
LgR on Fluentd & MongoDB: Railsが吐いたJSONをfluent経由でMongoに突っ込んで集計

link Amazon Web Services -> Nginx -> Nginx wiki -> Imager -> amazinx introduction (image server with aws & nginx) from Hatayama Hideharu Dynamic […]
Image server with AWS + Nginx

Lucene Revolutionに遊びに行ってきたのでメモ Overview agenda -> key news of Lucene/Solr4.0 (SolrCloud, NRT, Join…) big data analysis collaboration with other OSS (Hadoop family, CMS, admin…) vender’s solutioin (LucidWorks, MapR, Windows…) slide […]